Accessibility Statement

Making the SPD Hosting website accessible to people with disabilities
As part of the service and support framework SPD Hosting is providing in the area of infrastructure and web application hosting systems, the company ascribes the utmost importance to making its website accessible to users with physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities, based on the viewpoint that equal opportunities and accessibility should be available to all people.
Many resources have been invested in making the SPD Hosting website accessible, and it now complies with the accessibility guidelines of the Israeli Standard #5658 and is supervised by an authorized accessibility representative for the Ministry of Economy and Industry. This process has allowed the majority of the population to browse the rich contents of the website with ease and comfort.
The process of providing accessibility includes, among other things, improvements in the following areas:
Simple and clear navigation within and between site pages, even when using only the keyboard
· The ability to change the font size on all site pages up to 200% and easily resume navigation
· A clear display of site components
· Compatibility with different browsers
· Suitability for work at different resolutions
· Narration of the displayed information using a screen reader for the blind and visually impaired
· The ability to display pages in colors which are accessible to the blind and visually impaired, that is, light text on a dark background if necessary
· Site forms have been made accessible to allow easy and simple use by people with disabilities
· A mechanism for skipping blocks (fixed, repeating elements such as menus, banners etc.)
Having difficulties?
The SPD Hosting website is being updated continuously, so despite our many efforts to make the website accessible, some parts that still require improvements inaccessibility may be discovered.
We would be happy to be at your service for any question, request for information, and/or suggestions for improvement.
Ways of contacting us:
Accessibility Coordinator: Kobi Shalom
Phone: 1599-55-99-77